when it comes to percentage rollouts of features, ...
# ask-questions
when it comes to percentage rollouts of features, is there analytics attribution similar to experiments?
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we could just run an A/B experiment with that percentage, and update the percentage as we go
would there be any differences there
by attributions, you mean events that are fired when a user is in a rollout?
yeah, so similar to the experiment where there’s an event and you can set up reporting
it doesnt look like percentage rollouts have that on platform? that’s more of a, roll it out, see if our error counts jump on New Relic?
ya, as far as I know there isn’t - @future-teacher-7046 is there a work around?
Yes, you're correct. Percentage rollouts are mostly for watching error logs and derisking deploys. If you want to do analytics, a controlled experiment is better. It's perfectly fine to start an experiment on a small percent of traffic and ramp it up over time
🙌 1
makes a lot of sense, appreciate the responses team!