Hi. I'm new to growth book and AB test experiments...
# ask-questions
Hi. I'm new to growth book and AB test experiments in general. I'm currently trying to work with the visual editor. To enable this to work does the url attribute value when instantiating the growthbook object in javascript have to match the url targeted value of the experiment or is it possible to have the former use wildcards (to target the entire site) while using more specific experiment target urls? thanks for any help
@stocky-grass-96160 has opened an issue Close Issue button
Hi Michael, welcome to GrowthBook! Thanks for reaching out. I'll double-check on this and get back to you soon.
👍 1
Thank you!
for additional context we are attempting to use this on the Shopify platform
Hi Michael, you can use wildcards, yes.
Thanks @brief-honey-45610 - Are you aware of any potential issues or conflicts integrating with Shopify? The site pages use a combination liquid template files with javascript/html.
Hi Michael, nope, no issues that we know of! The simplest way to install GrowthBook on Shopify is to use the Visual Editor. Just add this one script tag to your ​`<head>`​ and that’s it:
Copy code
<script async
Everything is automatic: - GA4/Segment tracking - UUID persisted in a cookie - A bunch of useful targeting attributes - UTM params, device type, etc. - Automatic navigation detection on Single Page Apps (SPAs) - Auto-updates to include any future SDK bug fixes or improvements Plus, it’s fully configurable for more advanced/custom use cases.  Documentation is at: https://docs.growthbook.io/app/visual#option-2-pre-built-script-tag
okay i will try that, thanks!
Sounds good Michael, I'll leave this ticket open for a day or two until you've had a chance to try it. Just reply here and let me know how it goes!
👍 1
thanks @brief-honey-45610 Unfortunately I'm new to A/B testing and am not sure what I should be seeing when attempting to use the visual editor. when i create an experiment and select open visual editor I do get a 'crosshairs' cursor on some elements but that's as far as I get - the devtools window doesn't seem to show anything for edits.... Also the checklist on the bottom shows "Integrate the GrowthBook SDK into your app." whic h i thought was taken care of via the script.
Hmm, interesting. Let me run this by one of our engineers who specializes in the Visual Editor and see what they say.
Did you already create your CLIENT_KEY within the GrowthBook dashobard? https://docs.growthbook.io/app/visual#deploying-to-production You'll need to replace the placeholder text in the code snippet I sent earlier with that key:
@brief-honey-45610 I deployed the script tag you gave previously with the client key...I'll recheck the key to make sure it's still valid.
Ok sounds good. If that doesn’t do the trick, we will follow up early next week. Our office is closed today for the US national holiday.
👍 1
Thanks @brief-honey-45610 just to confirm - is the
Client Key
mentioned the same as the SDK key that I see in the
SDK Connections
I'd be interested to know if you got any feedback from the visual editor engineer(s) you spoke to.
One additional note - I just noticed that our trial period seems to have expired (i no longer see visual editor option) would there be a possibility of extending that a bit to see if we can get this feature working for us?
Hi Michael, apologies for the delay! Yes, the Client Key is the same one shown in the SDK Connections.
Let me speak to the team about extending the trial and I'll update here once I have more info 🙂
Still waiting for word about the trial extension, but here's what I can suggest we try next as far as troubleshooting for the Visual Editor: 1. Did you enable the "Include Visual Experiments" toggle? (​*docs*​) 2. When you try opening the DevTools window, do you see the GrowthBook tab like so?
👀 1
Hi @brief-honey-45610 thanks for the suggestion. I was out yesterday but will be trying it out today.
I think that last tip may have been it - the include visual experiments had not been enabled. I'm assuming though that further progress will depend on the status of the account
Most likely yes. Our cofounders were at a conference this week and that was the delay on extending the trial. Let me ping them again. Really sorry for the delay on that
no worries! thanks for you patience and efforts 🙂
So there's definitely been some progress - the checklist now only mentions needing to make visual changes. I see the visual experiment listed in the growthbook dev tools. Here is a screen grab of where I am currently (i have the crosshairs visible mentioned before surrounded in red):
would this be the point where I should see the editor control window appear in the Growthbook dev tool window as shown in the docs?
sorry the screengrab file i posted earlier was malformed; here is the correct one:
Yes, it should be appearing there. Could you tell me what permissions you have on the global, environment, and project scale?
Hi August - sorry i totally missed your update earlier. I will check and post.
So the login I had been using up until now (i believe was an admin) was removed today due to an organizational decision; the one I am using now is also listed as admin
OK, I'll keep looking into this.
thankyou 1
Hi Michael, I wanted to follow up on this. Are you saying that you used to login with a certain email address which had Admin permissions, but you're now logging in with a different email address that also has Admin permissions? I forgot to ask — are you using our cloud-hosted or self-hosted version?