Hi, when a variant has “won” in GrowthBook experim...
# ask-questions
Hi, when a variant has “won” in GrowthBook experiments, does Growthbook still collect data if the status of the test is “running”?
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Hi, I’ve got your support request in my queue and I’ll follow up as soon as I can
As long as the experiment status is still "running", then it will continue collecting data, even if the metrics are significant. You must explicitly "stop" the test within GrowthBook when you want to stop assigning new users. When you stop a test, there's an option to enable a Temporary Rollout. This will let you release the winning variation to 100% of users until you have a chance to implement the winner directly in your code.
Ok, thank you so much for the feedback!
A follow up question: and this continuation of data collection will update in the Results wiew even after there is a clear winner? Just want to understand if for GrowthBook the test is done done, and the collection of data is just passively accumulating in the backend that we can then see in BigQuery for example. Maybe this is a dumb question. New to GB 😬
Hi again 👋🏻 Until you formally stop the experiment in GrowthBook users will still see the variations and data will still be collected. If you can visually see a "clear winner" by looking at the charts but don't click the "Stop" button, GrowthBook will continue sending users into the variations and collecting data. Does that answer your question?
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Hi, yes, it does answer my question. Thank you. thankyou