Hi ya'll - Wanted to ask if there's a way of obtai...
# ask-questions
Hi ya'll - Wanted to ask if there's a way of obtaining
that features has through the use of SDK endpoints? We wanna use
to act as experiment metadata so we can filter a subset of experiments to be resolved in an Edge Compute server since we'd use those features as CDN cache keys. Also open if there's any other sort of way of settings metadata in features besides tags. I've attached the experiment with the tag and the payload I get back for the experiment which doesn't have the tags.
Hi Cesar, thanks for reaching out! To start, could you tell me which SDK you're using?
I also wanted to mention for the sake of being thorough that we do offer the ability to ​*fetch tags on a feature with our API*​, but I see you're asking about the SDK payload.
Correct It's the SDK connection endpoint the one I am using. https://docs.growthbook.io/api#tag/features/operation/listFeatures
Is there any way to get the SDK endpoints to give me back the tags? Would prefer to avoid calling two endpoints to know which features I care about.
Hi Cesar, we don't currently include tags or metadata in our SDK payloads. To accomplish what you're trying to do, it might make sense to create targeting conditions in your experiments, and set accompanying attributes in your individual SDK instances that are on the edge compute server. By this method you could control which experiments get delivered to which SDK clients. Let me know if that makes sense