Hello! Could you please help me to better understa...
# ask-questions
Hello! Could you please help me to better understand how the
Extra UserId property
(Mixpanel data source integration) works. I have two questions. Let me ask them with examples: 1. Example 1 ▪︎ A user opens website first time and Mixpanel assigns
‘abc123’. ▪︎ Then this user makes a purchase and and we call mixpanel.identify() with our internal
‘789’. ▪︎ Also we save
‘789’ as a super property in Mixpanel ◦ Question 1 How many users are identified with GrowthBook
Extra UserId Property
? ◦ Question 2 How many users are identified without
Extra UserId Property
set in GrowthBook? 2. Example 2: ▪︎ A user opens website first time and Mixpanel assigns
‘abc123’. We also assign
= ‘zyz987’ and save it as a Mixpanel super-property ▪︎ After a certain moment Mixpanel
changes, but
remains the same ◦ Question 1 How many users are identified with GrowthBook
Extra UserId Property
? ◦ Question 2 How many users are identified without
Extra UserId Property
set in GrowthBook? Thank you in advance!
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Would someone be kind enough to assist with this matter, please?
Hey, Dmitry - absolutely. I'm not super familiar with the Mixpanel integration - let me sync with the team to get an answer for you on this.
🙏 1
Hey Dmitry - I got some context from the team. We always group users by
. If an extra userId property is set, it's an additional group by. So if either the distinct_id OR the extra user id property changes, it will count as a new user in the analysis. So in both of the examples, adding an extra user property increases the number of users in the experiment. The reason we added this option is because some companies set the exact same distinct_id for every single user to get around Mixpanel limits, so they need to use a custom super property to uniquely identify people instead.
Thank you Michael! It’s interesting… Are there any suggestions on how to set up Growthbook experiments for unregistered customers with the KPIs that happen after registration. For example, CR First page visit -> Purchase (after registration). It means that at the moment of registration Mixpanel distinct id changes and GrowthBook library set up a new version to a user (if we pass Mixpanel distinct id to GrowthBook).
Do we need to create our own ID that It must be the same before and after registration?
@swift-belgium-56757 To confirm, in your setup, the
changes whenever a user registers? In that case, even if you were to create your own ID that persisted before and after registration and set it to the
property, it would result in two users, since we'd add the additional
clause. If the
is changing after registration, we don't support that use case with our Mixpanel data source. We recommend switching to a SQL data warehouse instead for more flexibility for how to handle different IDs.
To confirm, in your setup, the
changes whenever a user registers?
Yes - a new distinct id is assigned after registration / login
In that case, even if you were to create your own ID that persisted before and after registration and set it to the
property, it would result in two users, since we’d add the additional
If the
is changing after registration, we don’t support that use case with our Mixpanel data source. We recommend switching to a SQL data warehouse instead for more flexibility for how to handle different IDs.
Thanks for the recommendation. Giving Mixpanel one last chance, do you think this setup will work correctly? • Our ID (the same for a user - before and after registration) will be used only for GrowthBook, which means that Mixpanel unique ID will not be used for traffic distribution. • No
in the GB / Mixpanel integration. •
Experiment started
Mixpanel event will be sent based on what version is assigned by GrowthBook. • Mixpanel will only be used for reporting with it’s own identity management mechanism.
@swift-belgium-56757 I'm not 100% sure. When you're tracking experiment assignments, are you calling:
Copy code
mixpanel.track("$experiment_started", {
      "Experiment name": experiment.key,
      "Variant name": result.variationId,
      $source: "growthbook",
I'm not sure familiar with Mixpanel's track method - is there a way to override the
? From what I can tell, that
is automatically included in the
call. If you were to pass in your ID when instantiating Growthbook (e.g.)
Copy code
// Add the mixpanel user id to the GrowthBook attributes when it loads:
mixpanel.init("[YOUR PROJECT TOKEN]", {
  debug: true,
  loaded: function (mx) {
      id: <YOUR ID>, //instead of mx.get_distinct_id(),
Then when it came time to analyze the experiment, the
wouldn't match up, unless you were able to override the
when calling
Thank you @billions-xylophone-11752!