2 bugs found it: - Goal metrics can't be added/edi...
# ask-questions
2 bugs found it: • Goal metrics can't be added/edit in Experiment at the same time with another person. One user's work will not be saved • Goal metric in Experiment doesn't update when edited in fact table , have tried to update and refresh page a couple of times but it still remains the same name
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Hi Shantelle, for your first question about multiple people editing the same Experiment at the same time, it is expected behavior that only the changes from one user would be saved. We overwrite the entire object rather than making specific updates.
For your second question, are you just trying to change the name of the Goal Metric?
1. cc @kind-salesmen-90944 2. Yes just the name, it doesnt reflect immediately if edited
Hmm... could you please send me a short video of what happens when you try to change the Goal Metric name in the Fact Table? On the fact table page, at the bottom is the list of metrics.  You should be able to click through to the Metric's detail page where you can edit things like the name. That doesn't work for you?