How should I process the "meta" array of objects. ...
# ask-questions
How should I process the "meta" array of objects. Since GA4 cant process objects? What I've done now is to JSON-stringify it with this code:
Copy code
function() {
  var obj = {{DLV - experiment_results.experiment.meta}};
  return JSON.stringify(obj);
Making it show up like so in the debugView
Like so*
@fresh-football-47124 Do you know if you guys have any go to practice for this?
I'm a bit confused as to why you're passing this info to GA4?
We are passing everything that comes with the API call. What data should we be passing to GA? This is our dL
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  event: "experiment_results",
  results: [
      experiment: {
        key: "prepaid-description",
        variations: [false, true],
        weights: [0.5, 0.5],
        active: true,
        coverage: 1,
        condition: null,
        namespace: null,
        force: null,
        hashAttribute: "id"
      result: {
        inExperiment: true,
        variationId: 1,
        value: true,
        hashUsed: true,
        hashAttribute: "id",
        hashValue: "9759064.1701950960"
  eventTimeout: 2000,
  gtm.uniqueEventId: 142
I'm assuming you're using our SDK, in which case the trackingCallback should be used to track the experiment exposures
There are some examples of this for GA4 in our docs