Hello! Is there a list of 3rd party licenses that ...
# ask-questions
Hello! Is there a list of 3rd party licenses that growthbook uses for some legal checks?
do you mean licenses of software that GrowthBook uses?
Hi Mikael, I'm waiting to hear back from the team about this. I'll send an update as soon as I can.
Thank you, much appreciated. I have an email thread with Ivan Gomez about this as well, so you know.
Any updates?
Hi Mikael, I apologize for the delay. Is that what you were looking for? https://www.growthbook.io/subprocessors
Hi August, and thank you! I think it's this sentence from the License that I got asked about.
* All third party components incorporated into the GrowthBook Software are licensed under the original license provided by the owner of the applicable component.
Sorry, but have to poke you again 😃. How would I go about knowing this? Is it basically all the things in package-lock? We have a cautios legal team, so this is why I'm asking.
Hi Mikael, sorry again for the delay. Were you able to get your answers from Ivan?
Hi Graham, no unfortunately I have not heard back thanks.
That sentence is about third party libraries that we may use- we confirm that they are compatible with our licenses.
would you like to hop on a call to get this sorted?
Sure, I can do that
Maybe we can book something? It's a bit late here in Sweden now, so might not be available now
Hi Mikael, we can definitely book something. I will connect with Graham to get that sorted out. Could you suggest some upcoming days and times that would work for you? Graham primarily works from the Pacific Time Zone.
Perhaps Wednesday 31st jan between 9-11 PST, or same time some day after that? I'm travelling until Wednesday and won't be able to take a call.
Any suggestions?
Hello again! Is there a path forward here?
I just want a list of packages really. If that is solvable by handing legal the node modules to have fun with perhaps that can work