Question 3: There is a pre-launch check list and t...
# ask-questions
Question 3: There is a pre-launch check list and two manual checks. There’s no definition or resources I can find for how to conduct these. Maybe it’s second nature and intuitive for a programmer but I have no idea where to start on these. How do I go about these manual checks? Despite knowing there’s a learning curve coming from Google Optimize, my optimism is slowly draining on whether this tool is suitable for someone in my position in marketing without a technical background…
Hi Giorgio, great question! This is definitely something we can improve, and I'll be sure to mention it to our User Experience Designer. she joined us about a month ago so expect to see lots of improvements!
You're totally right that these 2 manual checks are written in a way that assumes the user is a developer. That's not a good assumption at all, especially because a large number of our users are indeed in Marketing, like you!
There is still a very small amount of development work that has to been done to integrate GrowthBook. There is at least 1 code snippet that has to be inserted into the application code, and that code snippet is where these 2 manual checks would happen. The only scenario in which a developer wouldn't need to be involved is if you're using the pre-built <script> tag and inserting it into your site's HTML. This is most commonly used by folks who are running Shopify or Webflow sites, because while they can easily access and modify the HTML, those sites don't allow them to edit the application code (backend code) itself.
Hey @brief-honey-45610 thanks for the responses. I’ll send more details on my setup but I would also be more than happy to jump on a quick call and walk you through everything. If I can get over the finish of having an experiment start successfully, it will restore my faith in trying out this tool for my clients
Hey Giorgio, could you record a screenshare video of your setup so I can take a look? If it isn't something I can resolve after watching that we could consider scheduling a call. I like to use use QuickTime (Mac) or Loom (web-based and free) for screenshare videos. You can also use Zoom.
Sure thing. I’ll DM you in case there’s any sensative info in my screenshare so it’s not in the public thread. I’ll get that all together right now
Sure, that will be fine. It's quite late for me so I will check it tomorrow morning.
Sounds good. We’re in the same boat so I understand
Thank you!
Hey August, I just wanted to check to see if the video came out alright for you or if you needed anything else. I sent it in DMs on Monday. Thanks!
Hi again August. I was wondering if you had a chance to look at the video or if there’s anyway we could do a short call?