Hello guys! I ran into a problem with REST API fea...
# ask-questions
Hello guys! I ran into a problem with REST API feature changing. I have self-hosted version of Growthbook running on my server. I can get my feature info with GET request to
But when I try to change it with POST to the SAME address (that is listed in a docs as an appropriate way to change feature value), server responds with Unknown API endpoint. Is anybode aware of what is wrong with API post requests or how it can be possibly fixed? Thank you in advance!)
Hey Artemii - do you know what version of GrowthBook you're running? I just tested this on the latest version (2.7) and the post request for features is working as expected. The url for the POST is just
(note the
field at the end is not present).
@billions-xylophone-11752 you mentioned that the
field at the end is not present. In my case I want to update existing feature's value. Is it possible to make it without feature id field in post request?
Hello! It was solved by updating docker images. The old ones surprisingly had feature change method in documentation, but not in source code. Also it's working with http/{my domain}3100/api/v1/features/{feature_id}, as listed in official docs. Forcibly updating and rebuilding images to the latest worked like a charm. Thank you, @billions-xylophone-11752
Hey, Artemii! Oh awesome - I'm glad updating resolved the issue!