Hi everyone! I ran some test experiments - on user...
# ask-questions
Hi everyone! I ran some test experiments - on user_id (logged in users) and user_pseudo_id (unlogged users). With logged in users the results somehow started to count, but with unlogged users the error comes out -
Missing identifier join table for 'user_pseudo_id' and 'user_id'
. I’m attaching a screenshot of the experiment assignment queries, the experiment settings and my experiment_viewed table. Previous question - https://growthbookusers.slack.com/archives/C01T6Q1SVFV/p1703079333186899 Could you please tell how and for what do I need to connect these identifiers?
so how this works
is that each metric is tied to the user identifier (or randomization unit) that you're using
if the metric is tied to, say, user_id, and the experiment is randomized by anon_id, we need some way to join between them
so that is why we have the join table, defined in the data source page
so you can either define a way to join between randomization units, or adjust the metric queries to return multiple identifier units