Hi GrowthBook folks, I need help with a question a...
# ask-questions
Hi GrowthBook folks, I need help with a question about the Ruby SDK. Currently, fetching repositories is done using the Growthbook::FeatureRepository class and calling fetch. I know that in case of most failures, it returns an empty hash to initialize the context. However, I’m unsure about what happens if the failure is a timeout. Will the request wait for a full minute before finishing the feature fetch? I haven’t found any options in the SDK to set a timeout value, so I’m concerned it might be using the default from Net::HTTP. Appreciate any help on this!
Yes, it does look like we're using the defaults for Net::HTTP. Here's the code in question: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook-ruby/blob/main/lib/growthbook/feature_repository.rb We're planning some updates to the Ruby SDK soon, I can add this to the list. We're also happy to accept PRs
Thanks @future-teacher-7046!