Hey guys, is there any SDK to know the experiments...
# ask-questions
Hey guys, is there any SDK to know the experiments and their variations under a specific namespace or how to know whether a experiment is shutdown? In our business scenario, I need group the IDs into buckets and batch process once the bucket size meets the thereshold, if an exp shutdown and the bucket will not get newcomers and I need to handle the rest in time. Any suggestions?
if you need the exact number of users (which is pretty unusual) you can use remote evaluation of a flag to fetch that state. I would still suggest that this is unusual, and you may be better off creating some script that disables enrollment by setting an attribute after the size has been reached - you could set a cron or similar for this, which may cause the numbers to be slightly higher than you need, but would still be faster and easier than remote eval.
Thanks your reply. You misunderstood me, I use fastapi as my service, when the traffic comes in, I use attributes(ID, etc.) inquire GB for which exp and varitaion the traffic belongs to, then store the traffic into the corresponding bucket in Redis, when a bucket size above the threshold, I get these traffic out and batch process them. Because buckets are from exp and its variation, once a exp shutdown, these buckets will not get new traffic and the size will not meet the threshold, so I need to know when shutdown happend that I can handle the remaining traffic in the buckets in time(we have time limit). So, the two question: 1. how to know the exp and variation for the traffic, under a certain namespace. 2. how to know the exp shutdown event(or I can get all the active exps under a certain namespace, once I cannot get someone next time, that I know it shutdown).
Anyone provide suggestions?