Hello. My team is using the java-sdk to work with ...
# ask-questions
Hello. My team is using the java-sdk to work with namespaced features. In testing out either
, however, the returned source of my features are always
. Coverage is set to 1, and I have two features with a range of [0 0.5] and [0.5 1]. Are there are any other aspects of the configuration I should be looking at to ensure that the returned value is from one of the experiment variations rather than the default? Thank you!
Did you set the attributes correctly?
@fresh-football-47124 thanks for checking in. I've kept the user-attributes constant if those are the attributes you are referring to? I was assuming that any hash value there would result in a value between 0 and 1. I definitely could be doing something wrong though.
Ok, I think I was actually missing the property being used as the hashAttribute from the list of keys in the user-attributes. Thanks for directing my attention to that area, Graham.