We’re getting timeout errors when updating metrics...
# ask-questions
We’re getting timeout errors when updating metrics that takes more than 15 seconds to process. Our data source is mssql / azuresynapse. Has anyone had similar issues with mssql/azure? Is there a timeout sent with the request? If so, can we modify it from the GB side? Or is this an azure issue that needs to be resolved on the db side? Thanks
GrowthBook doesn't have such a limit
I believe that is on the Azure side
hi @fresh-football-47124, thanks for your quick answer. I've looked into this issue some more and from what I understand the 15s is used when there is no timeout set explicitly with the request. Would it be possible to add this to the request to the data source? (i.e. set the timeout to a few minutes so it does not default to the 15s). I cannot find any config for this so I assume a code update would be required on the GB backend?
Hi again @fresh-football-47124. Any guidance on how to proceed to resolve this? We're on a hosted pro account, so if this issue is in fact on the GB backend side it would be hard for us to debug and resolve without assistance from the GB team. If the problem is elsewhere, any guidance on how to troubleshoot and fix would be very much appreciated. Thanks
we're taking a look
Thanks. Any recommendations on how to resolve this?
hi @fresh-football-47124, did you implement any change wrt the timeout issue? We're now able to process metrics without the timeout error. If this was an update from you, thanks! If not, please still let me know so I can understand if something else changed
I see there's a request timeout field on the data source connection that I haven't seen before, so I guess that answers my question. Thank you!
yes, sorry for the delay