Hi team, why the traffic won't release if the exp ...
# ask-questions
Hi team, why the traffic won't release if the exp is stopped manually? Besides, the new exp shouldn't be started if the traffic is none.
I'm not sure what you mean by release
can you give some more information?
I mean exp1 using 100% traffic of namespace A, then it was stopped manually, the traffic quantity should be released as available. Besides, if exp1 is not stopped by manual or terminated by nature, an iteration exp2 under the same namespace created, exp2 shouldn't be started because there's no remaining traffic can use.
ya, we should release namespaces from older experiments
or at least let you know
would you mind opening an issue for this on github?
Sure. You once reply it was a bug in v2.5.0, but it was still there in v2.8.0.
ya, for now, you can choose to overlap ranges in the namespace
And another question, can gb datasource support old mysql like v5.7, our online bussiness database is old, there's risk if update to much higher.
I know there are some versions of mysql that are too old
for the common table expressions and with clauses
Ya, I think CTE was introduced after 5.7
Yes, I found our current mysql version is not suitable for gb. Seems we need to transport to another offline database like clickhouse for gb datasource. btw, will the metric caculation need a lot of qps/tps/iops? We are assessing the needs for development by our data team.
It’s hard to say as the metric queries can be arbitrary complex and depends on the size of data.
We do have fact tables and some enterprise features if this is a problem