Hello there! I tried to search here before asking...
# ask-questions
Hello there! I tried to search here before asking but couldn't find the answer. I am curious why when you set a Minimum Sample Size for a metric Growthbook seems to require it as a minimum amount of conversion events rather than just a sample size of visitors in the experiment version. Is this the correct behavior? At least the way I understand sample size calculation (and I could be wrong) it's the totals not just the converted that would count? 🤔 Thanks!
for the metric, it will be the total of the events for that metric
do I understand your question correctly?
Yeah that's how I'd understand it too, except in our case, it seems to apply the minimum sample size to the converted numbers not the total events hmm 🤔
to illustrate what I mean. Here a metric with minimum sample size of 3200 each variation has had just above 1k users so far. But there GB estimates 4motnhs left in the test because it's using the converted number for the threshold. It's possible I'm missing something obvious, so I asked here
ah right
yes, currently we don't have a way to set min total exposed users per variant. What you don't want to do is make decisions if you only have like 100 events on each side of the experiment, regardless of the total number of users
Oh yeah, of course we don't and we wouldn't. It's just that when you use a sample size calculator and it spits out minimum sample size based on given inputs, as far as I know, the minimum sample size is regarding total users not converted events. So when we entered that as a minimum sample size threshold into the metric in GB, it's using that in a way we didn't expect if you know what I mean. But thank you for taking the time and answering my question! 🙏
sorry about that confusion