Hi GrowthBook team :wave: One colleague of mine s...
# announcements
Hi GrowthBook team 👋 One colleague of mine suggested your tool, and I tried it a few days ago, and it’s amazing. Great work! I am pretty new to your tool, and I have a few questions: • Every time we make an update on the dashboard, enabling or disabling features, do we have to re-run the app, or can updates happen on the fly? • Are there any integrations with log management tools (or in the roadmap)? • Is there any integration with Slack to get notified when an action happens in GrowthBook? Thanks so much!
Hi John. We support webhooks. Any time you toggle or change a feature in GrowthBook we can ping a URL on your server. We don't have log management integrations right now, but the SDKs do have a lot of hooks you can tie into (e.g. every time a feature flag is evaluated). And Slack integration is coming soon. It's near the top of our priority list right now.
Thanks so much, Jeremy 🙌
We support webhooks. Any time you toggle or change a feature in GrowthBook we can ping a URL on your server.
That works!
We don’t have log management integrations right now, but the SDKs do have a lot of hooks you can tie into (e.g. every time a feature flag is evaluated).
Can you point me to the docs where I can find those hooks? We are using NextJS, by the way. Is it the
hook, or something else?
And Slack integration is coming soon. It’s near the top of our priority list right now.
That sounds amazing!
There's a callback you can give to the GrowthBook instance that will be called every time a feature is evaluated. https://docs.growthbook.io/lib/js#feature-usage-callback
Thanks so much! I’ll give it a try 🙏🏻
And Slack integration is coming soon. It’s near the top of our priority list right now.
It would be great if you could also control things like rollout via Slack (eg. chatops). We have this functionality with our current FeatureFlagging solution.
Thanks Judah - we’ll add that the the feature list.
(To expand a tad on why we feel this is valuable: the ChatOps approach to things like Feature rollout can be very useful as it massively increases visibility to the engineering team. It becomes much more obvious is a rollout has caused some other alert to fire if the rollout was triggered in a very public way in a Slack channel.)