Hi Growthbook-team, I'm trying to create a data s...
# ask-questions
Hi Growthbook-team, I'm trying to create a data source using AWS Athena. The required data is, however, in a data source different from the default AwsDataCatalog (see first screenshot as an example). Is there a way to change the used data catalog? I didn't see any obvious field for that when creating the data source (see second screenshot). Cheers,
Ah, I don't think we support setting a custom catalog right now, but it should be easy to add. I just created a GitHub issue to track this. https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/640
Thanks! I found that as a workaround you can use fully qualified names in our experiment assignment query for that use case, i.e.
<data sorce name>.<database/schema name>.<table name>