Hi there, we have been importing experiments throu...
# ask-questions
Hi there, we have been importing experiments through "setting -> data sources" but have noticed that our latest experiments aren't loaded even after we click the refresh list button. the "latest" experiment from the list shown has a start date of 24th Dec, while we definitely have newer experiments. Is this a known issue or potentially something we are doing wrong on our side?
We didn't make any changes to the import process around that time. Do you see new experiment assignment data coming into your data source?
we can see the data in our own database and our current dashboarding tool. There is an experiment which started on 4th Jan and it's not showing up. Other ones started on the 10th onwards which I guess is filtered out by the "<7 days" filter Growthbook has? It also happened towards the end of last year, one of the experiment (that started 24th Dec actually) we tried to report on didn't show up until beginning of this year. I have a feeling that might be due to the < 7 days filter the Growthbook query has, is there a way to override it?
On the settings page, you can override that:
Minimum experiment length (in days) when importing past experiments
The intention of that setting is to filter out noise from random data or really short experiments. I'm realizing now it also stops all recent experiments from getting picked up. We can change the query to only exclude short experiments that were started a while ago. That way I think we can get the best of both worlds.
👆that would be great
On the settings page, you can override that:
Where in setting? Can't find it for some reasons
On the general settings page at the very bottom
We've been working on an overhaul of the import process that we just pushed live. You no longer need to go through the data sources page. You can now just click the "Add Experiment" button on the experiments page and it will let you import from there.
🙌 1
I also changed the SQL slightly. It should pick up those recent experiments now, even if they've only been running for a day or two.
🙌 1
Thanks @future-teacher-7046, will check them out!