Hey everyone, sorry in advance this may be a real ...
# ask-questions
Hey everyone, sorry in advance this may be a real beginner question. I need to track multiple experiments and have the ability to dynamically assign users/clients/records/etc. to a group without experiment overlapping. e.g. I want to ensure a User in the test group in Experiment A is not in the test group for Experiment B. Is GrowthBook capable of that? Also, I see the data connectors to Athena, Redshift, BigQuery, and other querying tools. Is GrowthBook aimed at experiment assignment live? I'm wondering how I could send an HTTP/Webhook request to my GrowthBook service rather than waiting for that data to be made available in Athena
GrowthBook is modular, and we have SDKs to help you do variation assignment (with exclusivity), and the experiment analysis. They can be connected through our API/webhooks. We don't ingest event data directly, so there is no way to send event data directly to us. But there are some more real time data sources you could consider.
Could you do me a favor and drop a link to the docs that describes this or provides an example?
I think what you're looking for is namespaces with regards to eliminating overlap
yes, sorry, didn't see this - @swift-garden-56412 what is your tech stack?
we currently have namespaces for JS and React: https://docs.growthbook.io/lib/js#experiment-rules - scroll down a bit
I have devs working on front-end apps in JS and data scientists running machine learning models built in Python. We typically meeting in the middle either on a webhook or gRPC/REST call
@swift-garden-56412: If I got it right here, you are referring to how to address Double Bucketing issue in AB testing
@swift-garden-56412 Did you solve or find an answer how to do it?