Hello GrowthBook team, I'm evaluating Growthbook f...
# announcements
Hello GrowthBook team, I'm evaluating Growthbook for our Data Team and I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. I have a question though. What would be the recommended way to integrate Growthbook with our existing analytics tools? For example, we have a simple tool to manage a definition of metrics (basically just a simple service + front end + backed by git repo), and we would like to keep all metric definition in one place if possible. So the ideal workflow that I can think of is for our analysts to continue defining metrics definition there, and push the changes into Growthbook when it happens through APIs. Is this possible? Or do you have other recommendation?
Hi Andreas. If you self host GrowthBook, you can define metrics using a yml file. The formats probably won't match up exactly with what you use right now, but a simple transformation script could work
I see. Yes this seems good, I'm sure we can manage the transformations. Do I need to restart Growthbook upon updating this file? Also just curious but in the case where we were to use the cloud version.. how would we do that?
You would need to restart the docker container after changing the yml file. For the cloud version, we do let you import a config.yml file through the settings page, but it's a manual process
I see. Thanks for the quick answers, let me circle back to the team and see what they think.