Hey guys ! Happy to join your community I’m here w...
# ask-questions
Hey guys ! Happy to join your community I’m here with @brainy-belgium-16036 and we are working on the integration of growthbook in our stack (self hosted). We got the feeling from the documentation that we were supposed to have only one instance (or one load balanced cluster) of the proxy for our growthbook instance. Is that the case or could we potentially have one proxy per environment ? This would enable us for example to run the proxy for our local development environments.
I'm curious what your use case is for running the proxy during local development? Typically the proxy is only required at scale in production
I think we rushed a bit in creating our diagram and thought the proxy would be configured to access only one env but it’s actually the SDK that needs to be configured and the proxy can serve all environments right ? (if you could confirm 🙏) Also you’d say that it’s best to use the proxy only in production then ? The other environments would connect directly to our main instance ?
Yes, a single proxy server can serve multiple different environments and SDK client keys. On dev, you can certainly connect to the proxy server if you want to keep things consistent with production, but it's not required. You can hit the main instance directly too.
Thanks !
@future-teacher-7046 just wanted to confirm that: what if I have a couple VPCs and and from each I need to call my GB api and I’d like to have a proxy for each for performance and resilience and also to avoid hammering what’s gonna serve as the production GB instance, can I run “many” proxies ? or will the main GB instance need to connect to only one proxy ?
Yeah to clarify we want to avoid each of our environments (prod/preprod/perf etc..) having to reach out to to our single GB deployment and instead have a proxy per env to provide local low latency in cluster access. if we were to handle fanning out the webhook calls from growthbook (using a single url) to each of our independent proxies could this work?