Hey guys I have a question about self hosting. The...
# ask-questions
Hey guys I have a question about self hosting. The current requirement to have separate ports is a bit confusing to me. Is it not possible to host both over 443? I currently have the front end on 443 and the backend over 80 but this is throwing a lot of security concerns.
Hi Josh, you can certainly serve both at port 443 to support SSL I'm assuming. Do you have a domain that you're using? I would recommend setting a subdomain for the API server
Oh ok, i did have them setup this way with separate subdomains, but it was causing cors errors when attempting to log in
I had it as: • Front-End: https://growthbook.domain.com • Back-End: https://gbapi.domain.com
You might need to set the
env var in your backend. This is used to automatically generate the correct CORS config
In your case it would be set to
I do have that env variable set
I may continue to debug more
You shouldn't be seeing CORS errors if that's the case
Yeah i was investigating this code too and I even set the:
Copy code
   name  = "CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX"
   value = ".*"
just in case
Going to reproduce my issue really quick to show you what im getting
Copy code
Access to fetch at '<https://gbapi.rtg-shared.com/auth/login>' from origin '<https://growthbook.rtg-shared.com>' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'.
So i checked for the preflight request:
I can see it has the wildcard in the allow origin response header but it almost look like the request fails before preflight occurs
The error is saying it cannot be wildcard
🙌 1
oh wow im an idiot
It's okay! Give it a shot without the wildcard and let me know how it goes
it worked
Thanks for walking me through it!
No prob!