Hey! Is it possible to determine the format a metr...
# ask-questions
Hey! Is it possible to determine the format a metric is displayed using the fact table method? For example a ratio metric as a percentage out of 100
Hi Daniel, do you mean is it possible to customize the metric's format?
The output format of ratio metrics in Fact Tables doesn't seem to be customizable based on my reading of the documentation and playing around with it in my own dashboard.
We have a lot of custom logic to try and make sure we render the format correctly for ratio metrics based on the number type of the numerator and the denominator. August is right that this is not customizable.
👍 1
Hi @helpful-application-7107 We're having this problem, it's rendering as 0.578 instead of 57.8%. Can this be logged as a bug and improved so the custom logic and auto format works? Or is there a workaround? Let me know if you need more info/details 🙂
IMO this is not a bug, but we should allow you to force it to render as a percentage (at least when the numerator and denominator are in the same column type). I've opened an issue: https://github.com/growthbook/growthbook/issues/2249
@adventurous-computer-41819, how is your
conversion rate
metric defined? We should populate proportion metrics correctly as %ages, so I assume you have it with a custom denominator (if you're using a regular metric) or as a ratio metric (if you're using fact metrics).
Hi @helpful-application-7107 Thanks for adding a request for ability to force-render as percentage. We're using fact metrics and it's a type ratio Here's how it's set up
Yeah, it makes senseto let you render that as a %age.
👍 1
Thanks! Much appreciated if you can add that setting!